Saturday, May 4, 2019

Week 2, Term 2

Hello everyone,

This week's activities include:

Monday - Netball coaching
Tuesday - Ukulele and swimming
Wednesday - Netball coaching
Thursday - Netball coaching and swimming

Homework for this term includes:

20 minutes reading each night - please check your child has recorded this in their reading diary.

Spelling Alive - writing out their 5 words each night

Times Tables - this term's maths focus is multiplication and division. Children should begin learning the 2x,5x and 10x tables then move onto the 3x,4x,6x,7x,8x and 9x. At school, we are learning to make and divide sets, and find quick ways to solve equations. But I strongly encourage you to help your child rote learn their tables so they know them instantly. Say them, write them, sing them, whatever it takes!

Image result for epic

I see that many of you have started an EPIC account. This is a fabulous app that we are using in class. It has hundreds of books that the children can read or listen to. As a class, we have read 800 books so far!!!!

The children also have login and password details for Mathletics and Studyladder. These are pasted in their reading diaries.

Have a great week

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